VulnIQ Latest Updates and Current Status
It's been exactly one month since the Hello World post. I wanted give a brief summary of current status.
As of today you can use VulnIQ to consume the following data types:
Posted by Serkan Özkan, VulnIQ founder.
As of today you can use VulnIQ to consume the following data types:
- NVD CVE feeds
- OVAL definitions from CIS and others
- Red Hat, Suse, Cisco advisories
- CWE, CAPEC data from Mitre
- Git commits from any git repository
- Emails from gmail accounts
- Twitter data
- Any RSS/Atom feed
- Any web page linked from any of the above
- Automatically pull and process data from configured data sources
- Store metadata in a database
- Optionally store original copies of the data (which can later be accessed through APIs)
- Optionally push data to an elasticsearch instance for full text indexing (data labeling/tagging and other search functionality will be available even without an elastic integration, elastic search support is really optional)
How do you access the data? :
- A fully functional web UI
- APIs, for everything because the UI is also built using the APIs.
Live demo:
You can see a live demo at but please note that this is a very limited version which does not contain all features and the data is intentionally inaccurate.
What's next?
- A fully featured, free to use but beta quality service will be released soon.
- Private test environments will be made available to potential customers.
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