VulnIQ Latest Updates and Current Status

It's been exactly one month since the Hello World post. I wanted give a brief summary of current status.

As of today you can use VulnIQ to consume the following data types:
  1. NVD CVE feeds
  2. OVAL definitions from CIS and others
  3. Red Hat, Suse, Cisco advisories
  4. CWE, CAPEC data from Mitre
  5. Git commits from any git repository
  6. Emails from gmail accounts
  7. Twitter data
  8. Any RSS/Atom feed
  9. Any web page linked from any of the above
Data processing very roughly means :
  1. Automatically pull and process data from configured data sources
  2. Store metadata in a database
  3. Optionally store original copies of the data (which can later be accessed through APIs)
  4. Optionally push data to an elasticsearch instance for full text indexing (data labeling/tagging and other search functionality will be available even without an elastic integration, elastic search support is really optional)
How do you access the data? :
  1. A fully functional web UI
  2. APIs, for everything because the UI is also built using the APIs. 

Live demo: 

You can see a live demo at but please note that this is a very limited version which does not contain all features and the data is intentionally inaccurate. 

What's next? 

  • A fully featured, free to use but beta quality service will be released soon. 
  • Private test environments will be made available to potential customers.
Posted by Serkan Özkan, VulnIQ founder.


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